Wednesday 23 March 2011

Finsihed FMP film

Finshed FMP stop motion animation film..
I am pleased with the final result, and it has also made me think into more ways it portrays procrastination. As viewers will stand and watch my film, it is then maing them procrastinate as they are standing there rather then getting along with something more important. Also, as the stop motion is stopping and starting the whole way through, this again reflects procrastination, as when you procrastinate, you stop and start different tasks.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Video so far

I have converted 425 pictures into black and white and put them together into a short film to have a sneak preview of what the end result will look like. Here it is so far..

I am pleased with the result so far, as the influence from Muybridge can be seen clearly, and I feel the ideas of charlie chaplin's humorous facial expressions are portrayed well.

procrastination: artists been looking at..

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Close up filming techniques

Close up filming techniques adds importance to a scene of a film and highlights a character's emotions or intentions. I have tried to incorporate close up filming techniques into my stop motion to make it feel more realistic as a film and for the audience to relate to - and also to relate to Muybridge's work showing different perspectives. I believe adding this range of perspective and filming techniques makes my film successful in portraying a professional production, with an interesting amount of camera angles to engage viewers.


"Showings of silent films almost always featured live music, starting with the pianist at the first public projection of movies by the Lumière Brothers on December 28, 1895 in Paris.From the beginning, music was recognized as essential, contributing to the atmosphere and giving the audience vital emotional cues. (Musicians sometimes played on film sets during shooting for similar reasons.) Small town and neighbourhood movie theatres usually had a pianist. Beginning in the mid-1910s, large city theatres tended to have organists or ensembles of musicians."

Sunday 13 March 2011


So far I have taken over 600 pictures! and the film is still not complete, or converted into black and white. However, although it is taking quite a long time, and me and my dad are getting quite impatient with each other, it is looking good!

Saturday 12 March 2011

Beginning of stop motion!

I have planned out my film and have started to photograph it. Considering Charlie chaplin's facial expressions I have planned several shots of close ups of my characters face, and also from this have planned camera angles and viewing the film from different perspectives. This also relates back to Muybridge's work as he photographed his models from different angles.

Charlie chaplin and Jan Švankmajer

The comedy in Charlie Chaplin films is reflected obviously through facial expressions and the music - however when the same idea of eating objects in Jan Švankmajer's films is shown it is not considered humorous. I am hoping to link both of their ideas of funny facial expressions with clam serious music, and Švankmajer's stop motion animation techniques.